In my recent post on my Blogging group, I shared the screenshot of my blog performance for the last 3 days. 

I also promised to share my simple strategy of getting huge traffic to your blog, here we are.

Read the strategy below


1. Find long tail Keywords for your blog.

Long tail Keywords are the Keywords that people are searching for on search engines, and if you write a blog post on the Keywords you can rank high and drive organic traffic to your blog.

Search for a Keyword, example "Basketball tips" on Google.

Then go to the people's also search box and you'll see long tail Keywords that people are searching for.

Collect as many long tail Keywords as possible and write them down.

2. Optimize your blog posts

Now you have many things to write about because you've done Keyword research, it's time to start writing the blog posts

to optimize your blog posts, if the Keyword of your blog post is basketball tips for shooting

mention "basketball tips for shooting" in the headings and subheadings of your blog posts, mention the Keyword about 3 to 5 times in the body of your blog posts too.

Lastly, make your blog post longer than 600 words, 1000 words preferably.

3. Create many blog posts for the next 1 month.

The more contents you create the more Keywords you rank for and the more traffic you get.

I urge you to create at least 50 blog posts for the next one month following the strategy I mentioned here.

Then continue with your regular posting in the next month, your blog will be flooded with traffic.

This is the strategy I have been using to drive traffic to my blogs, now I am giving it to you for free as a new year gift.

I wish you goodluck 😊